Why VPAT is mandatory for every tech product?
Why VPAT is mandatory for every tech product?

Why VPAT is Mandatory for every Tech Product?

Web accessibility is one of the most essential factors for any tech product. The Voluntary Product Accessibility Template or what we call VPAT is the documented information about the accessibility of any product and the compliance with the required standard of accessibility. If any organization is looking to purchase technology-related products or services; they must be aware of the VPAT. It will ensure that customers with a disability can also access the product or service without any hassle.

In any business, while dealing with IT products; it is very important to check the VPAT to determine the accessibility level of the product and if is there any deficiency. It will help the customers an informed choice before making any purchase decision. When they know that the product has all the required accessibility compliances and legal requirements and it will keep the company functional without hampering any compliance.

When the product is available with VPAT, it shows that the consumers care about accessibility of the consumers irrespective of their level of disabilities.

What is VPAT?

Your company is able to provide a thorough examination of your conformance to the accessibility requirements established by section 508 in a VPAT document. The vendor usually creates the VPAT, which describes every facet of the specifications and how the specific product complies with each criterion in the document.

The purpose of drafting VPAT accessibility is to demonstrate and inform the public that an organization has taken all necessary precautions to ensure that its products are fully accessible to all people without discrimination. It does this by outlining the digital accessibility features of its digital properties and products.

These compliance documents are typically disseminated by the organizational procurement officers, but they are also accessible on the websites of the vendors and in the procurement departments.

Why VPAT is essential for technology products?

There are many reasons why VPAT is mandatory for tech products:

Compliance with Accessibility Regulation:

VPAT is proof that the product is compatible with all the required regulations like Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act and WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines). These regulations make sure that people with disabilities can access all the benefits of technology.

Eases Procurement Process:

By giving organizations thorough information on a product’s accessibility features, VPATs make the purchasing process simpler. Because of this, it is simpler for businesses to evaluate how accessible technology products and services are and to decide what to buy.

Promotes Digital Inclusion:

VPATs work to advance digital inclusion by ensuring that all people, regardless of ability, can access technology. This facilitates the removal of barriers and grants everyone access to information and technology on an equal basis.

Demonstrates a Commitment to Accessibility:

The companies that have VPATs show their commitment to global accessibility regulation. It also reflects that they are aware of the needs of individuals with disabilities. This can help to build trust and credibility with customers and employees who have disabilities.

Finally, we can say that VPATs are very critical for IT companies to know that the products they want to purchase are accessible to a broader number of customers.