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We are thrilled to announce that Accessible Minds has been named an Associate Corporate Partner of the International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP).

Welcome to Accessible Minds
According to W H O, 215 million people across the world have some sort of vision impairment. This number is expected to rise to 588 million by the year 2050. 23% of people with disabilities never go online as 90% of the websites are inaccessible for people who rely on Assistive technology.
With our exclusive effort, we are making the internet inclusive to allow everyone enjoys the benefits of this World Wide Web. It is essential to make sure your website, application, or document is compliant with all the required compliances like ADA, W3C, and WCAG.
Our full suite of accessibility testing solutions makes your web product accessible to everyone including 20% population with disability. Our team helps the brands to identify the weakness and issues in the digital experience from an accessible point of view and recommend suggestion to rectify all the problems instantly and best practice integration to normal operations.

Manual Evaluation

Automated Scan


Accessible Product
At Accessible Minds we put our best feet forward to serve our clients the best possible service in accessibility. We follow pair testing method where a sighted engineer is teamed up with a non-sighted engineer to bring out accurate accessibility testing result with maximum coverage. We incorporate manual and automated testing to find out the glitches and finally we suggest the remediation so that we get the high-standard accessible products.
DHS Trusted Testers
All the engineers of Accessible Minds are Trusted Tester Certified by the Department of the Homeland Securities. The Trusted Tester Certification Program is a manual testing strategy that adheres to the ICT Testing Baseline and yields reliable and repeatable conformance test results. The DHS Trusted Tester Process is supported by official training and certification in accessibility testing. There is roughly 70+ hours of education and a challenging certification exam included in the certification requirements. The person who passes the test is given a credential number by DHS, becomes a Trusted Tester, and is qualified to carry out TTv5 conformance checks. It ensures high quality accessibility service from us.

Our Services
Expert Accessibility Evaluation
The accessibility of your website is assessed by accessibility professionals at Accessible Minds using both automatic and manual testing.
Drafting VPAT
Our team of experts at Accessible Minds are equipped with the required accessibility knowledge to accurately assist you in filing your VPAT.
Recommendations for Fixing
The World Wide Web Consortium, or W3C, develops the technical standards that make up the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
Section 5O8
Under the Rehabilitation Act, Section 508 is a government mandate. The organizations are required to create, manage, and use information.
The Accessible Canada Act was a piece of federal legislation in Canada (ACA). The goal of the law’s passage was to make the nation barrier-free by 2040.
The AODA (Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act) is adopted in 2005. According to the Ontarians with Disabilities Act, the AODA.
EAA (European Accessibility Act) is a European directive that establishes for all Europeans legally-binding wide accessibility targets.
We Support Your Domain
Accessible minds conduct testing for E-commerce websites for a tailored client experience. We have come up with a quality engineering team to assess the e-commerce website. Understanding the data request flow in the e-commerce domain is necessary.
BFSI stands for banking, financial services, and insurance sector. Accessible minds concentrate on continuous testing and end-to-end validation of the digitization of essential financial applications. By extensively verifying security and performance across all financial interaction points.
Travel & Tourism Industry
Over a period of time Travel and Tourism have created a niche in the service industry with improved service standards. With the help of Accessible Minds end-to-end solutions, you may enable digital content consumption and transform and distribute physical material online.
Medical & Health
This domain is basically for developers who are into any healthcare software project development. To do the testing of any healthcare domain one must be familiar with the work of the same, so here in Accessible Minds, one can have the best engineers for testing.
Years ago, the testing process was only done for the specific application. Nowadays, as it is very advanced in technology, client's expectations, quality service, etc. Accessible Minds provides you with the best testing at a very minimal time and with productive platforms to work on.
Regardless of the purpose for which it is being used, e-Learning brings a considerable increase in quality. With an Accessible Mind, one can have an excellent experience of the e-learning platform. Have the safe drives of the eLearning domain with the best and most interactive engineers.