Website Remediation

Website Remediation and Fixing

Website Remediation and Fixing Service

We at Accessible Minds provide excellent remediation services for websites and apps made on a variety of platforms. Our highly qualified workforce helps you fulfil your accessibility goal by providing you remediation services based on the knowledge of WAI-ARIA, WCAG among other best accessibility practices. Our website remediation services also adhere to WCAG 2.1 and Section 5O8 requirements. Regardless of which content management system you use, be it WordPress, HTML/CSS, Squarespace, or any other system, we can repair it. We offer code and stylesheet repairs to address fundamental accessibility issues that appear on numerous pages throughout your website.

Website remediation and fixing service of Accessible Minds helps your company to have a website that has required compliance with W3C’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

Website content Fixing: If you check, any website is generally managed by one person or a small team but most of the time, the content of the website is not in an accessible format which means, the images don’t have alt text, videos don’t have captions and HTML markup of the pages are deprecated or invalid. They need to hire a website accessibility remediation service to ensure that the content is in compliance with W3C guidelines.

Theme and template Remediation: There are many themes in WordPress, Drupal, and other CMS that have accessibility errors. People with disabilities can have trouble accessing those websites. Our Accessibility remediation and fixing services help to address the accessibility issues related to the theme, style, and template of one or multiple pages of the website. We update the accessibility barriers like HTML/CSS syntax errors, keyboard accessibility problems, images without alt text, contrast errors, and many more and retest to ensure that it meets all the required compliances.

Navigation and Form Remediation: If the website is not accessible by the keyboard without any help from a mouse, then it cannot be used with assistive technology. The users may find problems like being unable to fill up the contact us form, unable to make the selection in the main navigation section due to short duration, find it difficult to navigate the job application form. With our website remediation and fixing service; we update all the navigation and form to access them with the keyboard.


What is Website Accessibility Remediation?

Website Accessibility Remediation refers to the process of identifying and addressing accessibility issues on a website to ensure it complies with accessibility standards and guidelines; like the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). This service aims to remove barriers that might prevent individuals with disabilities from accessing and navigating the website effectively.

What do Accessibility Remediation and Fixing Services involve?

Accessibility Remediation and Fixing Services involve a thorough evaluation of a website's design, content and functionality to identify accessibility barriers. Once identified; a team of experts works on implementing the necessary fixes and improvements to make the website more accessible. This can include adding alternative text to images, adjusting color contrast, improving keyboard navigation, and ensuring proper heading structures, among other enhancements.

Why is Website Accessibility Remediation important for my business?

Website Accessibility Remediation is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it ensures compliance with accessibility laws and regulations, reducing the risk of potential legal issues and promoting a positive brand image. Secondly, it expands your website's reach to a broader audience, including individuals with disabilities, leading to increased user engagement and potential business opportunities. Lastly, an accessible website fosters a more inclusive online environment, demonstrating your commitment to providing an equal user experience for all visitors.

Can Website Remediation and Fixing Services be tailored to suit my website's specific needs?

Yes, Website Remediation and Fixing Services can be customized to address the specific accessibility needs of your website. The remediation process begins with an accessibility audit to identify the specific barriers present on your website. Based on the findings, a tailored plan is created to fix the issues and improve overall accessibility. This ensures that the remediation efforts align with your website's unique design and content.

How long does it take to complete Website Accessibility Remediation?

The duration of Website Accessibility Remediation can vary depending on the size of the website, the complexity of the issues identified, and the extent of the necessary fixes. Simple websites with minor issues may require a shorter time, while larger and more complex websites might take longer. A professional accessibility remediation team can provide an estimate after conducting an initial audit of your website. Timely completion is important to ensure your website becomes accessible to all users as soon as possible.