Accessible Minds How Accessibility will Help in SEO
Accessible Minds How Accessibility will Help in SEO

How Accessibility will Help in SEO

Do you know, if any website is not accessible by disabled people; then it is serving only 85% of the potential customer? As per the latest survey, it is a proven fact that 15% of the global population is living with at least one type of physical disability.
When the website is inclusive; it will not only help people with disability but also improve the search engine ranking as well. If you are curious to know how; then let us tell you that there are lots of features that overlap when we talk about SEO and accessibility. So, when your website is compatible with all the accessibility compliances; then you have a high chance of being found on the web.

How SEO and Accessibility are Connected?

Accessibility factors check whether the website is accessible for disabled people and SEO focuses on the accessibility of the website to search engines. Recently, a study conducted by Web Aim, found that 98% of websites have ‘detectable WCAG failures’.
Factors like low-contrast text, broken links, empty links, and missing alt text are responsible for the result. When the website has everything ready for crawlers; it will eventually help the assistive devices as well.

Let’s find out in detail; the factors that help the users as well as the website to perform well.
Page Title and Description: Everyone who is aware of search engine optimization, must know the importance of the metadata of the page. The page title and descriptions are the texts that describe the page and its function in the text. It is immensely helpful for search engine ranking as well. Accurate data is helpful for accessibility as well because it will indicate the page topic to the users with assistive technologies.
Image Alt Text: When we talk about digital accessibility and SEO; image alt text is a vital point. Alt text is the HTML factor that describes the image. It helps users with visual impairments who depend on screen readers. For accessible web design, alt text is a major factor that helps Google crawlers as well.
Anchor Text Linking: It is very important to write descriptive anchor links. The assistive technology gets a direction of the target URL topic and on the other hand, the search engine will understand the topic of the page from the keyword-rich anchor text.
Accessible web design: SEO is not only about getting traffic on the website; it is also about convincing the users to take a desirable action. The principles of accessible design, such as text contrast in size and color and logical internal link architectures, not only enhance usability but are also essential for boosting conversion rates for all consumers.
Accessible Minds always follow every single regulation to make the website accessible and search engine friendly. We ensure best practices to achieve the highest standard in accessibility and SEO with our work.