Evaluating Third-Party Solutions: A Case Study in Vendor Accessibility Testing
Evaluating Third-Party Solutions: A Case Study in Vendor Accessibility Testing

Evaluating Third-Party Solutions: A Case Study in Vendor Accessibility Testing

Client Background:

Amidst the fast-paced environment of the financial world, a leading financial institution found itself grappling with a complex challenge. Heavy reliance on third-party solutions for their critical web applications had become the norm, offering efficiency but also introducing uncertainty regarding accessibility standards. As pressure mounted to uphold inclusivity and compliance, the institution faced a pivotal decision. A particularly hefty third-party solution, integral to their operations, was under scrutiny. Despite its robust functionality, concerns loomed over its accessibility for users with disabilities. Recognizing the gravity of the situation, the institution sought a solution that would not only address immediate compliance needs but also elevate the overall user experience. It was at this juncture that they turned to Accessible Minds, a leading Web Accessibility services provider drawn by their reputation for excellence and the promise of a comprehensive accessibility testing regimen.

Client’s Challenge:

The financial institution faced several challenges in evaluating the accessibility of third-party solutions:

  • Diverse Software Vendors: The client used a variety of third-party solutions, each developed by different vendors, making it challenging to maintain a consistent level of accessibility across all applications.
  • Compliance with Accessibility Standards: The client needed to ensure that all external software complied with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) to meet legal requirements and create an inclusive environment for all users.
  • User Experience Testing: The financial institution wanted to go beyond the standard compliance checks and evaluate the overall user experience for individuals with disabilities, including those with visual, auditory, and motor impairments.

Our Approach:

Accessible Minds adopted a comprehensive Vendor Accessibility Testing strategy to address the financial institution challenges:

Vendor Accessibility Audit:

  • Conducted a thorough audit of each third-party vendor’s software to assess their current accessibility status.
  • Evaluated adherence to WCAG standards and identified areas requiring improvement.

Customized Accessibility Testing:

  • Developed customized test cases based on the specific functionalities of each third-party solution, considering diverse use cases and user scenarios.

User Experience Testing:

  • Engaged users with disabilities to provide real-world feedback on the accessibility and usability of the third-party applications.
  • Conducted usability testing to identify potential barriers and challenges faced by users with different impairments.

Accessibility Recommendations:

  • Provided detailed reports to each vendor outlining areas of non-compliance and recommendations for improvements.
  • Collaborated with vendors to implement necessary changes and enhancements to achieve accessibility compliance.


Accessible Minds’ Web Accessibility services delivered significant outcomes for the financial institution:

  • Enhanced Accessibility: Third-party solutions underwent substantial improvements, resulting in enhanced accessibility for users with disabilities.
  • Legal Compliance: The financial institution achieved full compliance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) across all third-party applications, mitigating legal risks.
  • Improved User Experience: The user experience for individuals with disabilities significantly improved, promoting inclusivity and customer satisfaction.
  • Vendor Collaboration: Vendors were proactive in addressing accessibility issues, fostering a collaborative approach to ensure ongoing compliance and inclusivity.


Accessible Minds successfully assisted the financial institution in evaluating and enhancing the accessibility of their third-party solutions. By combining comprehensive vendor accessibility testing, user experience evaluations, and collaborative efforts with vendors, Accessible Minds ensured that the financial institution maintained an inclusive digital environment for all users, meeting legal requirements and improving overall customer satisfaction.