Functional testing services

Functional Testing Services

Functional testing services

In today’s digital landscape, a web application’s functionality is paramount.  Even minor glitches can frustrate users and derail your business goals. Our functional testing services leverage a blend of human expertise and cutting-edge automation tools to meticulously examine every aspect of your web application, ensuring it performs flawlessly across various devices and browsers.  Our team boasts seasoned testers with a deep understanding of web technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and server-side scripting languages. This ensures we thoroughly test all aspects of your application, from core functionalities to complex integrations. We follow a structured approach that combines manual and automated testing techniques. This allows us to cover a wider range of scenarios and identify even the most obscure bugs.

Why Choose Us for Functional Testing Services?

Choose us for functional testing services because of our unparalleled expertise in diverse technologies, tailored testing strategies, thorough test coverage, automation excellence, and scalable solutions. We ensure rigorous unit, integration, system, UAT, and regression testing, guaranteeing optimal software functionality and performance

Barrier-Free Functionality: 

  • Core Functionality Testing: We meticulously validate core functionalities like user logins, registration forms, search features, payment gateways, and content management systems (CMS).
  • API Testing: Our skilled testers ensure seamless communication between your application and its backend APIs, guaranteeing smooth data exchange.
  • Database Testing: Data integrity is paramount. We rigorously test database interactions to safeguard data accuracy and prevent corruption.
  • Browser Compatibility: We test your application across a wide range of browsers and devices, ensuring a consistent and exceptional user experience for everyone.
  • Accessibility Testing: We champion inclusivity. Our testing ensures your application adheres to accessibility guidelines, catering to users with disabilities.
Defect Detection Rate
0 %
Reduction in Development Time
0 %
Out of 5 Client Satisfaction


What are Document Accessibility Services?

Document Accessibility Services refer to the process of making digital documents,; like PDFs, Word documents, and other electronic formats; accessible to individuals with disabilities. This involves ensuring that people with visual, auditory, cognitive or motor impairments can access and interact with the content using assistive technologies like screen readers, alternative navigation methods, and text-to-speech software.

What is Document Testing and Remediation?

Document Testing and Remediation are two essential steps in the process of making documents accessible. Document testing involves evaluating digital documents for accessibility compliance; checking for potential issues that could hinder accessibility for individuals with disabilities. Once identified, remediation comes into play, where these issues are fixed or mitigated to achieve full accessibility compliance.

How does Document Accessibility Testing Services and Remediation work?

Website Accessibility Remediation is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it ensures compliance with accessibility laws and regulations, reducing the risk of potential legal issues and promoting a positive brand image. Secondly, it expands your website's reach to a broader audience, including individuals with disabilities, leading to increased user engagement and potential business opportunities. Lastly, an accessible website fosters a more inclusive online environment, demonstrating your commitment to providing an equal user experience for all visitors.

Why is Document Accessibility Testing important?

Yes, Website Remediation and Fixing Services can be customized to address the specific accessibility needs of your website. The remediation process begins with an accessibility audit to identify the specific barriers present on your website. Based on the findings, a tailored plan is created to fix the issues and improve overall accessibility. This ensures that the remediation efforts align with your website's unique design and content.

What are the benefits of investing in Document Accessibility Testing Services?

While the recommendations from a Design Review for Accessibility are not mandatory; they are highly valuable for achieving inclusive design and meeting accessibility standards. Following these recommendations demonstrates a commitment to accessibility and ensures that your digital product provides an equal user experience for everyone. Moreover, adhering to accessibility guidelines can help your organization avoid potential legal issues related to accessibility compliance.


What do Document Accessibility Services entail?

Document Accessibility Services refer to the process of making digital documents, like PDFs, Word documents, and other electronic formats, accessible to individuals with disabilities. This involves ensuring that people with visual, auditory, cognitive, or motor impairments can access and interact with the content using assistive technologies like screen readers, alternative navigation methods, and text-to-speech software. Incorporating Digital Accessibility Testing Services ensures thorough evaluations for compliance with accessibility standards.

What is Document Testing and Remediation?

Document Testing and Remediation are two essential steps in the process of making documents accessible. Document testing involves evaluating digital documents for accessibility compliance, checking for potential issues that could hinder accessibility for individuals with disabilities. Once identified, remediation comes into play, where these issues are fixed or mitigated to achieve full accessibility compliance. Digital Accessibility Testing Services are integral to this process, facilitating comprehensive evaluations and efficient remediation efforts.

How does Document Accessibility Testing Services and Remediation work?

Document Accessibility Testing Services and Remediation typically follow a systematic approach. First, the documents undergo comprehensive testing where they are assessed for accessibility compliance, identifying any barriers that may prevent equal access. After identifying the issues, a team of experts uses various techniques to remediate the documents, making them accessible to people with disabilities. Techniques may include adding alternative text to images, organizing heading structures, ensuring proper color contrast, and optimizing reading order, among others. Integrating Accessibility Testing Services ensures thorough evaluations and effective remediation strategies for achieving accessibility compliance.

Why is Document Accessibility Testing important?

Document Accessibility Testing is crucial because it ensures that digital documents are inclusive and usable by all individuals, regardless of their abilities. By conducting thorough testing, organizations can identify potential barriers and rectify them, providing equal access to information and services for people with disabilities. Moreover, accessibility compliance is required by many laws and regulations, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in the United States and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) globally. Digital Accessibility Services play a pivotal role in ensuring compliance with these standards and regulations.

What are the benefits of investing in Document Accessibility Testing Services?

Investing in Document Accessibility Testing Services offers several advantages. Firstly, it helps organizations adhere to legal requirements, reducing the risk of potential lawsuits related to accessibility non-compliance. Secondly, making documents accessible enhances the organization's reputation as an inclusive and socially responsible entity. Additionally, accessibility opens up new opportunities, as a broader audience can access the content, potentially increasing engagement and user satisfaction. Overall, it contributes to a more equitable and diverse digital environment. Incorporating Digital Accessibility Services into document testing ensures comprehensive evaluations, compliance, and enhanced accessibility for all users.

SiteLint Audits: Monitoring in real-time Accessibility, Performance, Privacy, Security, SEO, Runtime Errors and Console Logs