4 Reasons You Should Create Accessible Content

The world wide web has become a treasure trove of information, services, entertainment, and many other things. From everyday grocery shopping to research for assignments; the internet is a blessing to make everything easier for us. Unfortunately, there are many… Continue Reading 4 Reasons You Should Create Accessible Content

Situational Disabilities and Its Effect on the Mobile Users

Nowadays, the internet is the greatest source of information. We have become so much dependent on the services and features of the world wide web; that living a life without the internet seems like a nightmare. However, the situation is… Continue Reading Situational Disabilities and Its Effect on the Mobile Users

3 Best Ways To Make Technologies More Inclusive

The fourth phase of the industrial revolution is touching all aspects of our lives. According to Mr. McKinsey; the pandemic has fast-tracked the process of digital transformation in every sector. It has changed and improved almost every segment including the… Continue Reading 3 Best Ways To Make Technologies More Inclusive
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